Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Well, Steve let the possum go yesterday because he doesn't want me blogging about it (and we don't know what else to do with it exactly), but here goes one more . I found an article online that says animals like raccoons and their critter friends don't like cayenne pepper, so I thought I'd give it a try. I thought it could be a cheap fix to a potentially costly problem. Hopefully, that will keep them away and not keep drawing them to the garden so they won't be tempted to eat the good food I hope to be growing soon.


Kevin Sandi Emma Adri said...

I think it's hilarious that you blog about the possum. Guess it's a good thing you let it go. Someone might report you to the animal rights people:)

Christine B said...

MMMM That will make one spicy Possum Pie! When in Ohio...