Thursday, May 15, 2008

What the. . . ?

So Keely was barking earlier than 0'dark 30, so I didn't get up to investigate. At a more reasonable hour, she was out sniffing a small tree that had been broken off during a wind storm we had a while ago. I went out to see what she was doing, and on my way across the damp grass I saw out of the corner of my eye what looked like a giant slug. On second glance, I realized it wasn't a slug at all, but some sort of crustacean. I got a jar and, after Keely helped me find it again by almost getting her nose pinched - because it tried to hide in the grass, I picked it up to show Noah and Ben. It seemed to have some eggs tucked under it's tail, at least that's what I'm telling myself it was under there!! I didn't know what else to do with it so I took it out to the woods and put it out as close to the stream as I could get it.

Then, I went to the garden to see what kind of damage all the recent rain had done, and I believe I found what Keely had been barking at so early in the morning. There were tons of deer tracks in through the mud (and my lettuce). 2 or 3 of the strawberry plants had many of their leaves munched off. Do they not have enough wild food to eat? Oh well, I guess that's the price we have to pay for stealing all their land.


Kevin Sandi Emma Adri said...

OK, that's just disgusting! I've found frogs and snakes and ground squirrels, but nothing that gross. Hmm. . . I hope those are eggs; that, or some freakish growth is happening!

Aunt Cathy said...

How far are you from water?