Friday, May 2, 2008

garden fun

I got another section of the garden tilled yesterday. Noah and Ben were great helpers with planting. Ben helped carry his package of marigolds to the garden. He was so sad at the store when he was helping bring the marigolds to the basket. Noah was also carrying some and started to complain that his hand were dirty, so Ben looked at his hands and dropped the flowers. He cried and cried and cried. It was soooo sad. We picked them up and put them in the container again and he was better. He was asleep in the car less than 5 minutes later!!

We got all the tomatoes, bell peppers, basil, and marigold plants planted. Noah was a big help with the green beans and peas, putting one in each hole. Nobody wanted to help with the onions so I was on my own, but I could handle it! I also tried lettuce and cabbage seeds. We should see those pop up in about a week. I can't wait!!

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