Friday, May 2, 2008


I finally did it. I got Ben to go to sleep in his own bed all by himself tonight! After waking himself up earlier than usual and not taking his normal 2-3 hour nap. I talked him through it on the way up the stairs and said I would put him in bed and he was going to stay there. He said, "no, mommy sleep with me" (but not that clearly) and I told him I wouldn't. He protested a little and cried a lot but he only got out of bed 2 times before he zonked out. And it only took 10 minutes!
Then Jakob yelled really loud when he went up to bed and sort of woke Ben up, but he soothed himself back to sleep. Yay!!! And Noah did an OK job being pretty quiet when he when to bed so he didn't wake Ben.
Now I just hope we can keep this up. Tomorrow, Jakob has 2 2-inning exhibition games of baseball in the middle of the day, so I'll try keeping Ben awake again. Hopefully, it will work and Ben will soon get used to going to sleep by himself just like his brothers.
Now, I just have to wait and see if he comes down stairs in the middle of the night at all.
For the last 2 years, he has been going to sleep on my lap and many times will come down to our room and sleep in our bed, so it is time to put a stop to it.
Too bad Steve's not here to share in the fun!

1 comment:

Robert and Marcy said...

Yeah, Ben! You're are getting to be such a big boy!