Monday, May 5, 2008

So, Ben was funny last night. . . .

As you know, I have been putting him to bed in his own bed for the last 3 nights. The first 2 nights, as I said "Good night. I love you," he responded with "I yuh Waboo" (I love Robert). Last night, amid protests of "No, me weep dow-dayoo" (no, me sleep downstairs) he changed his response to "I yuh Opa, Opa tadoo" (I love Opa, Opa's tractor). Can you believe it?! He's so silly. Then he said, "me wah dayway" (I want Gatorade). I told him he could have Gatorade tomorrow and he said ok. Then he stayed in bed!! WooHoo! I was so happy. Despite having a mini-nap late in the afternoon, he went to bed with absolutely no issues and stayed there until about 2:15 when he wanted a drink, but he went back to sleep with no problems. Yay!

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