Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Finally, this planter box is fixed and planted! After the dogs and the kids dug in the dirt and spilled a lot of it all over the porch, Steve fixed the bottom of the planter and I got it filled back up. I bought plants at the Amish Nursery and got it put back together. I might still go back and get a few more small things, but it's pretty much done. I need to put more dirt in some of the other planters along with some smaller plants. The tall plants are 'Moonbeams" and they will have yellow flowers, the 2 medium plants have green and burgundy leaves and should have purple flowers, and the 4 small ones will have white and apricot flowers.

Keely and Bocce have decide to try and dig their way to China - or at least find the snakes and rabbits that are along the way. They have been digging all over the yard and getting very dirty in the process. Keely was tired after I interrupted her latest attempt. I started their frontline yesterday, so they should be safe from the ticks.

Bocce thinks she owns the place. I guess the chairs are more comfy that the grass, but hey, at least she not on the table... this time.
Steve set up the croquet set Sunday. He even mowed the grass low.
Noah and Ben were taking a break from playing.
We've been spending some more time outside in the evenings because of the nice weather and even eating on the porch when it's warm enough. The boys like it and it's a nice change of scenery.
The boys have even kind of enjoyed doing their chores around the house. It's not too much for them to handle so they are getting used to pitching in around the house. They really don't complain about setting the table and feeding the dogs as much as they do when they have to clean their toys up. Noah and Ben have been helping make dinner, and made veggie kabobs the other night. And Jakob has been checking the garden for strawberries every night. I bought some watermellon plants today for Jakob to plant so hopefully in about 2 months he'll get to start checking for them too.

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