Friday, September 5, 2008

Noah is learning so much

Noah is learning so much at school. His teacher told me yesterday how she can tell that he is listening to her when she talks and he follows directions - at least he does for someone! He sings a new song almost everyday in the car. They learned about dragonflies today and he came home and made one with his legos. It was really neat. He brought home some pages where they trace and copy a letter and color pictures of words with that sound. Mrs. Lloyd said his coloring has really improved since the first week, too. He has been complaining about school taking too long, but he's always happy when I pick him up.
He was a little embarrassed when he was doing this for the camera because he didn't remember all the words.

1 comment:

Robert and Marcy said...

Yea, Noah! We think it is great that you are learning so much and listening to your teacher! Loved your song, keep singing!